Name: Miss Emily Grierson
Sex: female
Relationship status: In a loving and committing relationship
Network: Yoknapatawpha County
Applications: China painting and teaching girls the art of it
Interests: China painting
About Me:
Privacy Setting: Friends only
Homer Barron
Colonel Sartoris
Wall Posts:
Miss Emily Grierson at 1:00 am I cannot lose this man. My sanity relies on him.
Father at 1:05 am NO! He is not good enough for you. You don't need him. Let him go!
Miss Emily Grierson at 3:00 am You're wrong! He's my last hope. The only person I want to be around with. I'm not letting him go. He'll stay and be with me forever like you. We'll all stay here and live happily ever after.
You must be friends with Miss Emily Grierson to see her full profile.
Cleary we see that Miss Emily Grierson has an introverted personality. The information on her facebook page is as plain as it can be for the public's view. She would not be the one to add any other friends besides the ones listed. Miss Emily proves that she is still able to lead a life with minimal social contact as possible. Thus, I mirrored her facebook page to her life as it appears in the story. Even though I created a facebook page for Miss Emily, but her sole character defeats the purpose of facebook. She is not here to meet new people and share her personal life with the public. On the contrary, I made her facebook page into a place where she can imagine that she is talking to the dead men in her life because she seems to refuse to acknowledge that they are dead.
The basic informations that she put on her facebook page would be informations that the public already knows about her. However, by writing that she is in a loving and committing relationship and that her friends are her deceased Father, Homer Barron and Colonel Sartoris, I am trying to show what Miss Emily is thinking as she live in a life full of self-deception. As we know, these men are important figures in Miss Emily's life. Unfortunately, they are all dead. Thus, by listing them as her friends, I am trying to illustrates Miss Emily's insanity because clearly, she is defying the existence of time and reality. First off is her choice of ignoring the tax office because she refuse to acknowledge the death of Colonel Sartoris. Then when her father died she refused to admit he was dead.
Her profile picture suppose to show the image that she has of herself and her Father before the changes that suppose to occur after his death. Miss Emily's Father was a very domineering man who appears to be in charge of every aspects of her life such as her marriage. When he died she refused to accept the reality and kept his body for three days before the town finally buried his body.
In Homer Barron's case, the townspeople find that he have many characteristics that resembles Miss Emily's Father. Which gives her more reasons to try and keep him with her and we know that in the ultimate attempt to make him stay with her, Miss Emily poison him and keeps his body in her house for years until she dies.
So we can see that Miss Emily does not lead a life that society would consider normal after her father's death. And the most important element that I wanted to incorporate in her facebook page is how she is defying the existence of time. After her Father's death, Miss Emily barricade herself in her home from society because letting the outside world into her life means she has to accept the passing of time and reality. I further illustrates Miss Emily's introverted life using a conversation between her and her Father. Of course we all know that this is very unrealistic because her Father is dead. Thus, if she have a facebook page, I would assume that she does not want to have any other social contact with anyone else besides the three men that she remembers most. Facebook is just a way for her to write down her thoughts. It is a place for her to create the world the way she wants it to be.
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